Honoring high school athletes who inspire greatness on and off the field

Click through the nominees to learn about their stories. There's a lot of good happening in the Tri-State area. When you're ready to cast your vote, click "vote for athlete" on the student-athlete's profile.
Alex Aubel photo

Alex Aubel

Owego Free Academy

Alex Aubel

Alex Aubel photo
Name: Alex Aubel
High School: Owego Free Academy
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I have been a three-year starter on our flag football team. I was named a team co-captain for both my junior and senior years. This year we won the Section IV championship and made it to the State Final Four. I work very hard, always try to do my best, and encourage my teammates when they are down. Most of all, I try to have fun and help my teammates have fun, too. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I am volunteering for: “Rising Leaders for Huskython” – organizes a dance marathon that raises money for Connecticut Children’s Hospital, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. “Knit for NICU” – knitting for babies receiving care in the NICU. “Special Olympics Club” – plan, organize and work with special Olympic teams and athletes. “Early Childhood Club” – visit schools in the area to read and play with children  I volunteered as: “Peer Mentor” – I helped middle school students with their social and emotional well-being one day per week. “Owego Free Academy SADD Club” – Helped to create an atmosphere in school against destructive decisions and providing a safe environment. “Owego Free Academy Student Council Treasurer” 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

In the classroom, I am hardworking, respectful to students and teachers, actively participate in my classes, complete my assignments on time and always do my best. 

Academic Achievements

I will graduate high school with an associate degree and ranked 8th in my class and  National Honor Society Inductee 

Athletic Achievements

My sophomore year I won “Comeback Athlete of the Year and I was the recipient of Owego Free Academy’s “Tom Bryant Sportsmanship and Athletic Booster Club Scholarship” which is awarded to a senior athlete who demonstrates character, integrity, fair play and sportsmanship. 

Personal Accomplishments

I was diagnosed with Long QT syndrome which is a heart arrhythmia that caused me to go into cardiac arrest before playing in an indoor soccer game. All the nominees for this award have overcome adversity and have inspiring stories to tell. Over time and with the help of my parents, I am most proud of the strength and courage I have demonstrated since the day of my incident and have fought to overcome my fears of the unknown. It has not been easy and has been scary at times. But it has allowed me to grow as a person and appreciate sports so much more. 

Andrew Barta photo

Andrew Barta

Wallkill Valley Regional High School

Andrew Barta

Andrew Barta photo
Name: Andrew Barta
High School: Wallkill Valley Regional High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I lead by example, showing my teammates the right way to play. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I volunteer anywhere I can throughout the community. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

I show up to class on time and complete my work efficiently. 

Academic Achievements

National Honors Society 

Athletic Achievements

Captain of the Football team 

Personal Accomplishments

I am considered a leader by coaches and teammates. 

Sean Clermont photo

Sean Clermont

Nyack High School

Sean Clermont

Sean Clermont photo
Name: Sean Clermont
High School: Nyack High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I demonstrate leadership in football by not only being a talker but also a doer,I help everyone out anywhere on the field and encourage my teammates to work out 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I demonstrate leadership in my community by not only being a good person on and off the field but by helping others and spreading laughter enjoyment and fun 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

I demonstrate leadership in the classroom by not only staying on top of my grades but also helping my classmates when they need it 

Academic Achievements

Passing all of my classes 

Athletic Achievements

All state honors in football as a junior 

Personal Accomplishments

Being able to be considered a top athlete in section 1 

Sarah Colchamiro photo

Sarah Colchamiro

Susan E. Wagner High School

Sarah Colchamiro

Sarah Colchamiro photo
Name: Sarah Colchamiro
High School: Susan E. Wagner High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I demonstrate leadership in football because when faced with adversity, I lift my team up and remind them the game isn’t over until the last whistle, and keep playing with confidence and determination. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I demonstrate leadership in my community by mentoring younger students and athletes, sharing knowledge and encouraging their growth, ensuring everyone feels supported and valued. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

I demonstrate leadership in the classroom by engaging in group work, and helping my peers out with material they may be struggling with. 

Academic Achievements

Honor Roll 

Athletic Achievements

Top 5 NFL Flag player of the year 2024+2025, 2024 Flag Football Army Bowl Team, USA Jr. national flag football team 2022-2024, 2023 PSAL flag football city champion 

Personal Accomplishments

Helping younger athletes, specifically flag football athletes, in learning the game and help them understand the game by working many flag football clinics. 

Tyler Cooper photo

Tyler Cooper

West Orange High School

Tyler Cooper

Tyler Cooper photo
Name: Tyler Cooper
High School: West Orange High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

By holding myself accountable by supporting my teammates the best that I can. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I involved in all of the teams community service projects. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

By completing my assignments while making my parents and coaches proud. 

Academic Achievements

Earned 41 credits as a freshman. 

Athletic Achievements

Made the varsity as a sophomore. 

Personal Accomplishments

To play in the NFL 

Cody DiCarlo photo

Cody DiCarlo

High Point Regional High School

Cody DiCarlo

Cody DiCarlo photo
Name: Cody DiCarlo
High School: High Point Regional High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

by being positive and always showing the right thing to do. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

by always being there for the community and helping where i can and when i can. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

by being a front of the class student and always participating and helping classmates 

Academic Achievements

High honor roll every marking period junior year 

Athletic Achievements

four year varsity starter for football 

Ben Doumbia photo

Ben Doumbia

West Side High School

Ben Doumbia

Ben Doumbia photo
Name: Ben Doumbia
High School: West Side High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

i’m respectful to my coaches and teammates , i lead by example , i’m  composed and positive under tough situations and i’m outspoken and motivational when everyone else is down and i help the less skilled players on the team regardless of position 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

i help out my community in the best way i possibly i can 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

i’m understanding , kind , and respectful to my peers and teachers 

Academic Achievements

i made honor roll multiple times and i made the national honor society in middle school 

Athletic Achievements

i earned the most improved jv player award my first year playing high school football , and i also earned the west side high school varsity football student-athlete academic excellence award that same year and i also earned a super Essex conference second team all conference award my second year of wrestling for newark east side high school as well as contributing to my wrestling team second consecutive conference title  as well as gaining numerous medals in track and field and i also contributed heavily in my school winning a cross country trophy 

Personal Accomplishments

not sure if this would be considered an accomplishment but i’m most proud of myself for not quitting on any of my sports i did and seeing it through to the end of every season 

Daaron Harrell photo

Daaron Harrell

Albany High School

Daaron Harrell

Daaron Harrell photo
Name: Daaron Harrell
High School: Albany High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I’m the captain, my football team and I make sure my teammates are focused on practice/understanding the gameplans 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I volunteer at my church and we provide food for people who can’t afford it 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

I maintain a 3.5 GPA and sometimes help classmates in calculus 

Academic Achievements

Honor Roll 

Athletic Achievements

Sportsmanship award for outdoor track, 4th in state championships for 4×400, competed at New Balance National Outdoor Championships, competed at Nike Indoor National Championships, and was just awarded NewsChannel13 Athlete of the Week. 

Personal Accomplishments

POWER program completion, fighting through 2 injuries, being named captain of football team after 1 year 

Demetri Hodge photo

Demetri Hodge

Grand Street Campus

Demetri Hodge

Demetri Hodge photo
Name: Demetri Hodge
High School: Grand Street Campus
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

By playing with my full effort and ability, and by showing my teammates how to put in the effort in games and practice no matter the situation 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

By addressing the various areas where my community needs improvement and to make sure its a safe welcoming community for all people 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

By engaging with teachers and peers in a respectful and constructive manner so we’re all able to communicate effectively and efficiently 

Academic Achievements

Merit roll consecutively, Most improved 

Athletic Achievements


Personal Accomplishments

Developing healthy habits 

Kudus Lawal photo

Kudus Lawal

Newark Central High School

Kudus Lawal

Kudus Lawal photo
Name: Kudus Lawal
High School: Newark Central High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I demonstrate leadership in football when it really matter like times when we may be down and everyone had their heads down I make sure I’m there to pick everyone head back up.Even off the field while we are in school I make sure all the little guys on the team are getting to class on time because it’s the little things like that , that really matter.Furthermore, I make sure everyone feels comfortable talking to me I joke with everyone so when they really need something or don’t understand a play they can always come toward me to ask. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I demonstrate leadership in my community by being a helping hand.whenever I have free time I’m always down to help my teachers outside of school if it’s perhaps moving , helping homeless people by giving them a dollar or whatever I have on me.Also taking every opportunity I can to help out like helping to clean up parks, our football field , just doing the little things that people may not notice but ik I’m making a change little by little. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

I demonstrate leadership in the class by always sitting in the front, answering questions , always speaking up if we are having a class discussion because I want to lead by example.I want people to see me always answering questions which could perhaps influence others to also speak up.In addition , in the class I’m always down to help the teacher out if your reading whats on the board to volunteering to come after school to help out and just be friendly to everyone so Incase someone needs help with their work or anything I’m always open to help. 

Academic Achievements

I have received honor roll all the years that I have attended central high school.i have been a part of several leadership organizations like Newark leadership , big brother mentorship program , entrepreneurship program group , keeping my gpa over a 3.5 and currently having a gpa of 4.4. 

Athletic Achievements

Helping my team beat the school record for the most rushing yards. Getting invited to several college football camps and soon to becoming a D1 athlete. 

Personal Accomplishments

Personal accomplishments that I am most proud of is being able to juggle all the things I go through while still being a schools athlete and staying on top of my grades. 

Troy Lee photo

Troy Lee

Newark East Side High School

Troy Lee

Troy Lee photo
Name: Troy Lee
High School: Newark East Side High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I have great character 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I just show the young ones that it’s something different than just the projects and you can do more by playing football and other sports to just keep you out of trouble then in the long run you a fall in love with the sport 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

by getting my work done trying to show up on time every day great character to your peers 

Academic Achievements

having good grades 

Athletic Achievements


Personal Accomplishments

finishing my senior year off 

Yahzier Lennon photo

Yahzier Lennon

John F Kennedy High School

Yahzier Lennon

Yahzier Lennon photo
Name: Yahzier Lennon
High School: John F Kennedy High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

How I demonstrate leadership on this football field is by fully committing to everything I do on the field from stretching to drills to team periods I want to lead by example so my teammates can follow in my footsteps and so they can also become future leaders. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I worked at a summer camp with year so I could help teacher the future of our community to take care of where we live and respect where we live because it’s struggling town when it comes to cleanliness. I got a groups of my friends to clean two parks over the summer and I’ll try and continue to do that every year and try and get more of the community involved. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

In school once I have a full understanding of what we are doing in assignments I offer help to my classmates that are in need of help and they do the same for me if I don’t have a don’t have full understanding on what we are going over.Thats how I feel like I demonstrate leadership in the classroom. 

Academic Achievements

Student of the week 

Athletic Achievements

First team all league, second team all county, (football)first team all league , honorable mention all county (basketball) 

Personal Accomplishments

Most proud of getting my grades up sophomore to put me in better position now for college 

Brady O'Connell photo

Brady O'Connell

Peru Central High School

Brady O'Connell

Brady O'Connell photo
Name: Brady O'Connell
High School: Peru Central High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I spent the first two years of my high school football career as a student coachI wasn’t cleared to play but I really wanted to be part of the teamAs a coach, I was in charge of filming games, making sure our equipment was ready, and motivating the boys! I’ve been part of football my entire life and I am pretty knowledgeable about the game.  I tried to use this knowledge with my teammates when I saw something notableWhen I was cleared to play this year, I was so excitedAs a player, I know there are others watching me and watching how I carry myself as a student, athlete, teammate, and friend.  I hold myself to high expectations in order to demonstrate to others what a true leader looks like. For example, I keep good grades, am respectful to my teachers, parents, and peersOn the field, I am respectful to coaches, my opponents and refs.  I didn’t ever think I would be able to play footballI don’t take this opportunity lightly.  I have earned it, but now I have to continue to earn my spot by working hard, and being the best version of me every day. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I show leadership in my community by example.  I am a pretty outgoing person.  Sometimes I think teenagers get a bad name because of the actions of a small groupI act in such a way in my community to show others that teens can and are good peopleBy doing the little things, such as holding the door for someone at Stewart’s or starting a brief conversation with someone in my line at Dick’s Sporting Goods can make a big differenceMy family spends a lot of time at athletic eventsLast year, the town was looking for umpires for minor league baseballI thought this was a great opportunity to not only make some spending money, but also be an example of a positive role model for the young ball players.  This past summer, I was able to umpire in the major division and that was a lot of fun.  I was given great feedback by parents and other umpires in the league. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

Being a leader in the classroom is a lot like being a leader in the communityFirst, a leader follows rules and expectationsI work hard and attend class every dayI am respectful to my teachers and peersI am aware of the thoughts, feelings, and viewpoints of others around meI think it is important to stand up for what I feel is right and defend those who need support. I also feel a good leader shows up and is an active participantI participate in extra-curricular activities such as athletics, and the Varsity ClubI attend school events and cheer others on. 

Academic Achievements

Honor Roll 

Athletic Achievements

Varsity Golf, Varsity Football 

Personal Accomplishments

I am proud to be able to represent high school students who have overcome obstacles to achieve their goalsI have had 3 kidney transplants, Crohn’s Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, and a learning disability and I didn’t let any of these things get the best of me.  There are days that are much harder than others, but I have passed all of my classes, made two varsity sports, have great friends, and feel like people like me for who I am.  I think that’s something to really be proud of. I’m not the best athlete or the smartest kid, but I work hard. 

Iyanna Sheets photo

Iyanna Sheets

Manchester High School

Iyanna Sheets

Iyanna Sheets photo
Name: Iyanna Sheets
High School: Manchester High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I’m the quarterback, I’m responsible for the whole team. I have to call and check plays and handle teammates emotions. I also have to make sure everybody is understanding what we’re doing and are in the right spot doing the right task. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

When I have the time, I volunteer to help coach our youth football program in the Manchester community and I have helped with mentally and physically challenged students at my school with their events. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

I make sure to get my work done as effectively and efficiently as possible so I am granted the opportunity to help fellow classmates. I also take charge in group projects and assignments and make sure all classmates are included and feel welcome and contribute to our task. 

Academic Achievements

I was in national junior honors society, I took all honors classes my freshman year and got a 3.8 overall unweighted gpa, I am taking Spanish 4 honors as a sophomore , my ceramics teacher nominated me for multiple gallery displays, and I am taking advanced math as a sophomore. 

Athletic Achievements

I played varsity girls basketball as a freshman, my 4×1 relay team was 5th in the region my freshman year, I was 9th in triple jump in the state my freshman year, I am currently a starter on the schools girls varsity volleyball team as a sophomore and a first year player, I am second in kills on the varsity volleyball team, and I also went all state in outdoor track and field my freshman year. 

Personal Accomplishments

I single handedly started the first girls flag football team at my high school my freshman year by getting a petition signed by 90 girls then continued to then start as quarterback and safety on the team and call the offense and defense. 

Jen Socci photo

Jen Socci

Newton High School

Jen Socci

Jen Socci photo
Name: Jen Socci
High School: Newton High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

In the football world, I demonstrate leadership by managing the football team. Whether it is during games, practices, or even in the halls at school, I always manage; it has become a second nature. And it is not filling waters for them constantly or getting them hydration tablets; it is helping them in and out of season to be the best players they can be. It is something I incorporate in my everyday life. To be a good leader, I focus on setting a strong example as well as strengthening bonds with the players and coaches. My values influence my actions as a manager. As I  strive to be an approachable person where players and coaches feel able to communicate. I encourage the players to have a good time at practice even if they are having a tough dayI also take photos for the team. Action Shots or Funny pictures I upload them and post them on instagram. I also provide them for the players If they ask. Going into this season I wanted to create more of a social media presence for the team. With permission from Coach Farina we created a page. I post the photos that I take at practices and at games, I bought mini mics for the team to answer fun questions just like the NFL, I fly a drone so the players can watch film before practice and I also create graphics for events like Game Days and Wins. As players make mistakes on the field, I can make mistakes being on the sidelines, and I acknowledge it, which helps me grow in and outside of managing football. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

As a person who has lived in Sandy Hook Connecticut for my whole life, community has always been a big part of my personal life. At a young age I have always had a passion for coaching whether it would be college lacrosse or even coaching in football, it has always been a dream of mine. In Newtown our youth lacrosse program is fairly popular and I always look forward to coaching the little kids each year. I love helping them better their skills and also setting an example of what a good role model is. Building a key relationship with the players is very important to me. I want them to grow and love the sport but also embody the traits of a good leader as they grow up. When I coach them I see myself and how the biggest part of being an athlete is leading your team on and off the field, and I mentor them with these ideals throughout their season. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

As I am currently a senior at Newtown High School, I am furthering my education and athletic career at Central Connecticut State University. Alongside this I am planning on majoring in Secondary Education. Being a teacher has always been a passion of mine,so I strive to embody these traits while being a student at NHS. I am always looking to help others no matter the circumstance. Whether it is a project that needs a group leader or someone who needs help with a tricky assignment, I am always there to help.But during a majority of my free periods I will be found down in the Writing Center, I am one of the main student tutors. The writing center is a place where students could seek help either from a student or a teacher on an essay. It is a safe place for students to get another opinion on their writing. Whether it was for lack of confidence in a piece or simply having another set of eyes check it over. I am always excited to help other students in my school. It is something I have embodied my whole life. Helping others, something my father taught me at a young age to always do regardless of the situation. But the writing center made it even better because I got to help others with a subject that I am passionate about and I get to write all at the same time. 

Academic Achievements

Going into high school I received the Superintendent Award and as a Freshman I received High Honors for the whole year. In my sophomore year I had High Honors for three quarters. In my junior year I had Honors and High Honors for the whole year. And nearing the end of my junior year I received an award in Math, showing my hard work and dedication to the class. 

Athletic Achievements

In my athletic career specifically in lacrosse, I received my Varsity Letter as a freshman in high school. I received Honorable Mention in my sophomore year. As well as helping lead my team to victory winning our conference championship. Going into my junior season I committed to play division one lacrosse at Central Connecticut State University as well as soon helping lead my team with a record of 12-3 in the regular season. Through my club lacrosse league I have been recognized as a key player to my team as well as receiving pins for player of the match after tournaments. 

Personal Accomplishments

As a teenager there are many things to accomplish, I have many small and big things to be proud of myself for. I have committed to a division one school to play the sport of lacrosse, I have created a big social media presence for the NHS Football team in which many people enjoy , I help mentor down in the writing center, When I was younger I performed at Radio City Music Hall with my theater company and with all of this my favorite accomplishment is making the players on the team happy. Whether it is the photography I do for the team or Making fun Mini Mic videos with the team, seeing the joy on their faces makes me feel very accomplished. 

Theo Streno photo

Theo Streno

Susquehanna Valley High School

Theo Streno

Theo Streno photo
Name: Theo Streno
High School: Susquehanna Valley High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

An example of my leadership in football is the dedication I devote to my personal fitness and the sport of football during the off season. I voluntarily commit myself to daily workouts and sessions with personal trainers to increase my physical fitness and enhance my skills on the field. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I volunteer my time and knowledge of football and other sports to give back to the community and youth sports specifically through various training camps held throughout the year. I try to be a good role model to younger kids to encourage participation and good sportsmanship both on and off the field. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

While I am not a straight A student, I do take honor classes and strive to do the best that I can in even the classes I like the least. Consistent feedback I get from teachers is that they can rely on me to be a leader to my peers and depend on me to set good examples for my fellow students. 

Academic Achievements

Honor roll since 7th grade, AP classes since 7th grade 

Athletic Achievements

Captain JV football team for 2 years, also captain of previous football teams (modified, & youth football) 

Personal Accomplishments

I am currently recovering from a spinal cord concussion received in practice on 9/5/24. Coincidentally, that was the first day of school, and the day before what was going to be my first game as a varsity football player. I was taken off the field by ambulance with no feeling or movement below my knees, admitted to ICU, and in the hospital for 4 days. I am fortunate enough to be walking again but have a long recovery ahead to become fully recovered. Every day I am achieving new personal accomplishments. My next personal accomplishment is set for next week and that is to be able to walk a straight line without assistance from my physical therapist. I will achieve that and then next week I will set my next goal to accomplish. 

Sammy Tadevossian photo

Sammy Tadevossian

Jamesville - DeWitt High School

Sammy Tadevossian

Sammy Tadevossian photo
Name: Sammy Tadevossian
High School: Jamesville - DeWitt High School
How do you demonstrate a Heart of a Giant?

I have been in the Jamesville – DeWitt football program for the last 4 years. My physical stature is not that of a typical football player, but my heart, dedication, and commitment to the team is larger than most. I am an athlete that shows up to every practice. I give everything I have during every rep. I am constantly encouraging, supporting, and celebrating my teammates success. I doesn’t play much, but I am happiest when my teammates experience success. If the team doesn’t do well, I a the most upset athlete in the locker room. My coach says “Sammy is JD football. The heart Sammy displays every day is invigorating, motivating, and comforting. Our team looks to Sammy, and looks to model the determination he shows daily. When I think of what the ‘Heart of a Giant’ award represents, I think of Sammy.”

Nathan Testa photo

Nathan Testa

Hopkins High School

Nathan Testa

Nathan Testa photo
Name: Nathan Testa
High School: Hopkins High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

As a captain, I take great pride in bringing energy to every practice, always being the first to lead in drills and being especially heard in games. I love to lead the team and watch them grow, and I always carry the responsibility of setting a great example for every single player on the team. Whether it is during practice or during games, I am always heard and there for every single one of my teamates. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

In my community, I volunteer at my town library, where the most important thing I do is help work with the library to assist senior citizens at the local senior center. My main job is to work out and solve technology issues they are having, and it is fun to often learn about and hear many different stories from the people I work with. 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

In the classroom, I am always heard and a big participant during class. I love to learn, and I always make sure that people who are hesitant to participate are encouraged to say what they think. I have maintained my grades throughout all four years, and I love to show that bonding with teachers and staff can only help during the school year. 

Academic Achievements

10.7 GPA (12 point scale) at #4 academic high school in the state, multiple AP classes junior and senior year, school tour guide, and part of Varsity Robotics Gray Team. 

Athletic Achievements

4 year Varsity player, Varsity Captain, I have been playing football since first grade. 

Personal Accomplishments

Even through my diagnosis of Bi-Lateral Club Foot since I was born, I have still been able to push myself through athletics (with some criticism). I never gave up on myself, and it has paid off greatly in the long run. 

Jeremiah  Tirado photo

Jeremiah Tirado

Nutley High School

Jeremiah Tirado

Jeremiah  Tirado photo
Name: Jeremiah Tirado
High School: Nutley High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I demonstrate leadership in football by giving guidance to my teammates.  

How do you demonstrate leadership in the community?

I demonstrate leadership in the community by showing up for events that the community holds, also by when I’m there I help and push the people around to help as well.  

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

I demonstrate leadership in the classroom by helping classmates around me when they don’t understand. Also by asking a reasonable amount of questions that will help me and other in the class understand the material more.  

Athletic Achievements

Overcoming injuries and starting varsity 

Personal Accomplishments

I had set a goal when I got injured about a year ago and it was to push through this and get back on the football field.  

I had another goal and was as a freshman start on both sides of the ball at a private school. 

Mason Wester photo

Mason Wester

Warren Hills High School

Mason Wester

Mason Wester photo
Name: Mason Wester
High School: Warren Hills High School
How do you demonstrate leadership in football?

I motivate my teammates to be a better version of themselves everyday on the field and push to go 1 and 0 every week 

How do you demonstrate leadership in community?

I have been a volunteer fire fighter for over 2 years and have partaken in many volunteer opportunities to help with my community 

How do you demonstrate leadership in classroom?

I am a high grade academic student who pays great attention in class and does all work before the due date. I pride myself and bringing education first 

Academic Achievements

2 sport varsity athlete , Honors student 

Athletic Achievements

Received many collegiate offers for football, 2 year varsity football player, 3 year shotput varsity player 

Personal Accomplishments

Volunteer firefighter, received my firefighter 1 certificate through 4 months in the fire academy