USA Football, a member of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee and the sport's national governing body, announced today that U.S. Army General Peter W. Chiarelli (Ret.) is the independent non-profit organization’s new chairman of the board.

Chiarelli, the former Vice Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army (2008-12) and a 40-year veteran of U.S. military service (1972-2012), becomes the fourth chairman in USA Football’s 20-year history. A life-long fan of America’s favorite sport, Chiarelli succeeds former USA Football chairmen Jack Kemp (2002-08), Carl Peterson (2009-16), and U.S. Army General Raymond T. Odierno (2017-21).

“I am excited and humbled to chair USA Football’s board of directors,” Chiarelli said. “Football is at the top of a very short list of the passions and pastimes that unite our families, schools, cities, and country and USA Football is the leader in how we teach and play, on grassroot levels, this greatest of team sports.”

As commander of the Multi-National Corps – Iraq, Chiarelli coordinated the actions of all four military services and was responsible for the day-to-day combat operations of more than 147,000 U.S. and Coalition troops. While serving as the 32nd Vice Chief of Staff in the Army, Chiarelli assisted the Chief of Staff of the Army in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Army and its 1.1 million active and reserve soldiers. A champion and defender of mental health among America’s servicemen and women, following his military career, Chiarelli served as chief executive officer of the non-profit organization One Mind from 2012-18. The heartbeat of One Mind’s mission was pursuing better diagnostics and treatments for those who suffer from traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress (PTS).

USA Football became America’s first national governing body of any sport to team with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to promote the CDC’s “Heads Up” Concussion in Youth Sports program, joining other early adopters of forward-thinking play including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Alliance for Youth Sports.

In 2016, USA Football was named the first U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee member organization to be honored with the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’s Youth Sport Safety Ambassador Award for its commitment to young athletes’ health and welfare.

USA Football’s scope of work benefitting America’s football family includes:

  • Assisting more than 500,000 children since 2006 through its support of schools and community-based youth football organizations, USA Football’s grant program has awarded more than $16 million of resources across all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
  • Empowering moms, dads, and other committed volunteers coaching our children to complete more than 700,000 USA Football Coach Certifications since 2012 across all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and 10 foreign countries on four continents. 
  • Leading more than 1,300 in-person events since 2010 to deliver education and skill development for athletes, coaches, and community-based youth football program leaders.
  • Providing athletes, parents, coaches, and youth league leaders a range of digital education offerings, built in collaboration with Pro Football Hall of Fame Coach Tony Dungy, TeachAids, the Korey Stringer Institute at the University of Connecticut, Stop It Now!, and others.  
  • Build and direct junior and adult U.S. National Teams for global competitions as the United States’ sole delegate to the International Federation of American Football (IFAF). A provisional member of the International Olympic Committee, IFAF consists of 71 member nations spanning six continents.


USA Football’s Board of Directors

  • General Peter W. Chiarelli, US Army (Retired), Chairman
  • Todd Berry, American Football Coaches Association
  • Mike Golic, Westwood One Radio
  • Roger Goodell*, National Football League
  • Eric Holliday^, U.S. National Football Team Athlete
  • Oliver Luck, Private Investor
  • Kelly Mehrtens, The Trust powered by the NFL Players Association
  • Mark Murphy, Green Bay Packers
  • Dr. Karissa Niehoff, National Federation of State High School Associations
  • Elizabeth Okey^, Wintrust Financial Corporation
  • Dr. Allen Sills, National Football League
  • Brad Smithey^, Victoria (Texas) West High School
  • Pete Ward, Indianapolis Colts
  • Kevin Warren, Big Ten Conference
  • Rachel Worsham^, Falls Church (Va.) George C. Marshall High School


*Ex Officio Member

^U.S. National Team Alumni

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About USA Football: USA Football designs and delivers premier educational, developmental and competitive programs to advance, unify and grow the sport. As the sport’s national governing body, member of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee and organizer of the U.S. National Team for international competition, USA Football partners with leaders in medicine, child advocacy and athletics to support positive football experiences for youth, high school and other amateur players.


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